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Abstract Background

Secure & Safe Connected Medical Devices Design
with Zero Trust Principles

ENTRUST aims to ensure end-to-end trust management of medical devices strengthening trust & privacy in the entire medical ecosystem. The breakthrough solutions that ENTRUST provides, will not limit the applicability of connected medical devices, by enclosing to them cybersecurity features including formally verified trust models, risk assessment process, secure lifecycle procedures, security policies, technical recommendations and the first-ever real-time Conformity Certificates to safeguard connected medical devices.

Technical Goals

ENTRUST is dedicated to ensuring end-to-end trust management of medical devices, securing trust and privacy across the entire medical ecosystem. Our comprehensive approach integrates cybersecurity features, formally verified trust models, risk assessment processes, secure lifecycle procedures, robust security policies, and technical recommendations. Explore how ENTRUST's technical goals are reshaping the future of security in the medical domain through precision and innovation. 


ENTRUST tackles the lack of cybersecurity implementations in connected medical devices, starting from formally verified design-time trust models to real-time conformity certificates. The framework will be evaluated in four real-world use cases ranging from wearable and medical devices used for remote patient monitoring to high-end stationary equipment used in hospitals and clinics.

Surgeon in service

CMDs in surgery / operating room

Dynamic Trust Assessment in ECG Monitoring Portable Devices and Complex Stationary Devices in a Hospital Setting


Connected devices in hospitals

Digital Assistance Towards Enhancing the Health and Well-being of Patients and Carers

A house

Connected device in patient’s home

Ambient Intelligent System for Supporting Independent and Safe Living


wearables for health monitoring

Wearables for health monitoring

Compliant Protection of Wearable Devices for Mental Health Monitoring and Integrity of Accompanying Data

ENTRUST Project in a nutshell




Use Cases






EN-Funded by the EU-NEG.png

Funded by European Commission under Horizon Europe Programme (Grant Agreement No. 101095634). 


Views and opinions expressed are those of the ENTRUST consortium authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or its delegated Agency DG HADEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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