ENTRUST participated in a webinar titled "Elevating Healthcare Security: Exploring Innovations from ENTRUST, SEPTON & MEDSECURANCE" on May 10th, 2024 at 10:00 CET.
The project was represented by two consortium partners: Lina Giannakandropoulou from UniSystems and Thanassis Giannetsos from UBITECH. The event was co-organised by Horizon Results Booster and the European Cybersecurity Community (ECCO).
Webinar recording
About the event
ENTRUST, SEPTON, and MedSecurance are propelling cybersecurity standards within healthcare, establishing fresh milestones for safety, reliability, and innovation. By raising the bar regarding security protocols and best practices, they are not only ensuring the protection of sensitive medical data but also fostering an environment conducive to continued advancements in healthcare technology for healthcare provision and medical devices.
The projects came together to organise this webinar in cooperation with ECCO and the Horizon Results Booster initiatives to discuss current cybersecurity innovations in this critical sector.
The webinar showcased new insights into research projects which are revolutionising cybersecurity in the healthcare sector, ensuring the optimal performance of medical devices while prioritising safety, security, and data integrity.

Who will find this webinar interesting?
eHealth service providers
Healthcare administrators
Medical device industry professionals
National public authorities
Cybersecurity service providers and researchers
Individuals interested in IoT
Standardization bodies
National and EU public authorities
Decision-makers in the healthcare sector